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By Fanda199 Added: 1/25/2015
5.3 mi
Hlavni mesto Praha, Czech Republic
Tato cartridge vas provede svetem prazskych vodniku. Na je vedena jako GC1CXR3. Vstupujete do sveta pohadkovych postav, nikdy nevite, co vas ceka a co po vas budou chtit. Celkova delka trasy je asi 1 km. Tato verze se automaticky uklada po kazde zone.
By Fanda199 Added: 1/25/2015
5.3 mi
Hlavni mesto Praha, Czech Republic
This cartridge will show you round the world of Prague Water Sprites. On it can be found as GC1CXR3. You are entering the dreamland, you will never know what to expect or what you will be asked. The length of the path is 1 km. The new version is saved automatically after every zone is
By FANDA199 Added: 4/21/2018
10.1 mi
Stredocesky kraj, Czech Republic
Vyprava spolecnosti Zahady s.r.o. na Mesic. Jsi posledni clen posadky! Pro hru budes potrebovat startovaci sekvenci z odehranych testu.